Officials are monitoring the clean-up of a leak of 400,000 gallons (1.5m litres) of radioactive water from a local nuclear power plant in Minnesota. Xcel Energy, the utility company that runs the plant, said the spillage was “fully contained on-site and has not been detected beyond the facility”. State officials said there was no immediate public health risk. The leak was first discovered in late November, but state officials did not notify the public until Thursday. The water contains tritium, a common by-product of nuclear plant operations. A naturally occurring radioactive isotope of hydrogen, tritium emits a weak form of beta radiation that does not travel very far in air and cannot penetrate human skin, according to the federal Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). Tritium spills occur at nuclear plants on occasion, but are typically contained on-site and rarely affect public health or safety, the NRC says. Xcel first discovered the leak on 21 November, from a pipe between two buildings at its Monticello plant. The plant is about 35 miles (56km) from the state’s most populous city, Minneapolis, upstream along the Mississippi River.(BBC)…[+]
Nieuws volgens datum: 17 Mar, 2023
Gangs sow terror in Brazil cities for third night
Several cities in north east Brazil are suffering from serious unrest caused by marauding criminal gangs. For the third night, gang members set buses ablaze and carried out gun attacks on buildings in urban areas in Rio Grande do Norte state. The attacks are thought to have been sparked by conditions in jails holding gang members. Brazil’s government sent hundreds of federal security forces to the region earlier this week. Justice and Security Minister Flavio Dino said hundreds more could be sent in the coming days as unrest continues. The state government has convened a crisis cabinet and has asked the federal government for more support. The attacks were ordered from within the state’s jails when gang members’ requests for televisions, electricity and conjugal visits were turned down, Brazilian news outlet Terra quoted the state’s secretary of public security Francisco Araujo as saying. Conditions in Brazil’s notoriously overcrowded jails have long been under scrutiny.(BBC)…[+]
Christian Atsu: Ghana funeral for footballer killed by Turkey earthquake
Hundreds of people including Ghana’s president are paying their last respects to Christian Atsu, who died in last month’s earthquake in Turkey. His funeral is being held outside State House in Ghana’s capital, Accra. “In life I love you darling, in death I’ll do the same,” read the tearful tribute from the footballer’s widow, Marie-Claire Rupio. She was overcome with emotion and handed her speech to Atsu’s sister to read. “You did not go alone, for part of me went with you,” it continued. “Your smile, your love I see in our children’s smiles.” Representatives of Ghana’s national team and Atsu’s Turkish club Hatayspor were also at the ceremony. Atsu’s body was recovered a fortnight after the quake from the rubble of his apartment building. It was returned to Ghana almost a month ago. He will be buried later in his home village in south-eastern Ghana. Atsu, 31, spent most of his career playing in the English Premier League for clubs including Chelsea, Newcastle and Everton.(BBC)…[+]
Gangs sow terror in Brazil cities for third night
Several cities in north east Brazil are suffering from serious unrest caused by marauding criminal gangs. For the third night, gang members set buses ablaze and carried out gun attacks on buildings in urban areas in Rio Grande do Norte state. The attacks are thought to have been sparked by conditions in jails holding gang members. Brazil’s government sent hundreds of federal security forces to the region earlier this week. Justice and Security Minister Flavio Dino said hundreds more could be sent in the coming days as unrest continues. The state government has convened a crisis cabinet and has asked the federal government for more support. The attacks were ordered from within the state’s jails when gang members’ requests for televisions, electricity and conjugal visits were turned down, Brazilian news outlet Terra quoted the state’s secretary of public security Francisco Araujo as saying. Conditions in Brazil’s notoriously overcrowded jails have long been under scrutiny.(BBC)…[+]
Clean-up of radioactive water leak ongoing at Minnesota nuclear plant
Officials are monitoring the clean-up of a leak of 400,000 gallons (1.5m litres) of radioactive water from a local nuclear power plant in Minnesota. Xcel Energy, the utility company that runs the plant, said the spillage was “fully contained on-site and has not been detected beyond the facility”. State officials said there was no immediate public health risk. The leak was first discovered in late November, but state officials did not notify the public until Thursday. The water contains tritium, a common by-product of nuclear plant operations. A naturally occurring radioactive isotope of hydrogen, tritium emits a weak form of beta radiation that does not travel very far in air and cannot penetrate human skin, according to the federal Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). Tritium spills occur at nuclear plants on occasion, but are typically contained on-site and rarely affect public health or safety, the NRC says. Xcel first discovered the leak on 21 November, from a pipe between two buildings at its Monticello plant. The plant is about 35 miles (56km) from the state’s most populous city, Minneapolis, upstream along the Mississippi River. The company said it had notified the state and the NRC the next day.(BBC)…[+]
Polen stuurt als eerste land straaljagers naar Oekraïne
Agent veroordeeld tot anderhalf jaar cel om stadionramp Indonesië
Franse senaat stemt ondanks demonstraties in met pensioenhervorming
Sainz wil niets weten van crisis bij Ferrari: ‘Ze willen ons destabiliseren’
Hamilton vindt dat hij te hard was voor Mercedes: ‘Maar soms ben je het niet eens’
Koeman haalt met Verbruggen, Geertruida en Wieffer drie debutanten bij Oranje
Rechter legt hogere straf op in zaak seksueel misbruik
PARAMARIBO – De rechter heeft Roepeshkoemar S (27) maandag veroordeeld tot 2,5 jaar celstraf voor seks met een meisje (14). Zij ging hoger dan de strafeis van 2 jaar van officier van justitie Bibian Tjin Liep Shie. Volgens de magistraat zat zij te wikken en wegen. Zij zei dat de man op elke wijze misbruik heeft gemaakt van het kind. Hij bracht haar naar pensions en kreeg seks met haar. Het tweetal leerde elkaar kennen via een spelletje op Instagram. Hij ontmaagde haar. Het meisje vertelde dat zij verliefd was op de man. “Ik heb spijt van wat er is gebeurd”, zei Roepeshkoemar S eerder in de rechtszaal. Officier van justitie Tjin Liep Shie zei dat de wet bescherming biedt aan minderjarige kinderen. Volgens haar beschermt de wet minderjarigen, omdat die de gevolgen van hun handelen niet kunnen overzien. De verdachte bekende dat hij vijf keer seks had met het kind; hij heeft haar ontmaagd. Volgens de vervolgingsambtenaar moet de man instaan voor de gevolgen. De verdachte en het slachtoffer kwamen elkaar tegen tijdens het spelen van een computerspel op het internet. Zij begonnen toen te chatten…[+]
Ambassadeurs van Thailand en Pakistan bieden geloofsbrieven aan president
PARAMARIBO – De niet-residerende ambassadeurs van de Republiek Pakistan en het Koninkrijk Thailand hebben hun opwachting gemaakt bij president Chandrikapersad Santokhi. De diplomaten hebben op woensdag 15 maart 2023 hun geloofsbrieven aan het staatshoofd overhandigd. Saksee Phromyothi van Thailand en Ahmad Hussain Dayo van Pakistan werden op het presidentieel paleis ontvangen. Zij zullen zich inzetten voor het intensiveren van de bilaterale banden.
President Chandrikapersad heeft in een bilateraal onderhoud met de Thaise ambassadeur aangegeven dat hij ervan overtuigd is dat zijn expertise zal bijdragen aan het versterken van de bestaande banden. De regeringsleider merkt ook op dat Suriname vastbesloten is om het partnerschap verder te verbeteren en te promoten, geleid door de principes van gelijkheid, samenwerking en respect. President Santokhi haalt hierbij aan de vele tastbare resultaten die zijn behaald op het gebied van onder meer handel en investeringen, onderwijs en culinair. Het staatshoofd roept op dat beide landen zich blijven inzetten en pleiten voor oplossingen, gericht op de gemeenschappelijke uitdagingen, waarbij het aspect van multilateralisme, een centrale rol speelt. In een korte deliberatie met de Pakistaanse ambassadeur heeft president Santokhi aangegeven dat beide landen de mogelijkheden zullen onderzoeken om de bilaterale betrekkingen verder te ontwikkelen. Uitwisseling van ervaringen, zou moeten worden onderzocht, in de teelt van rijst. Verder zijn de belangrijke beginselen die internationale betrekkingen beheersen door president Santokhi onderstreept. De regeringsleider hoopt dat de doelstellingen en beginselen van de Verenigde Naties bevordert kunnen worden…[+]