Nieuws volgens datum: 28 Jul, 2024

First images of Jasper after 100m high wildfire hit

8 (04.00 uur) First images of Jasper after 100m high wildfire hit

JASPER – The fierce wildfire which swept through the Canadian town of Jasper in recent days melted cars to the road and turned homes to ash.

The first images of the devastation at the famous tourist town have emerged, after a 100m (328ft) firewall swept through late on Wednesday. It has been difficult to get a sense of the scale of what happened because the fire burned out-of-control for days. Some 25,000 people were evacuated from the town and the Jasper National Park, in Alberta.

On Friday, authorities from Jasper National Park said 358 of the 1,113 structures in town had been destroyed by the fire, which was caused by a lightning storm.However, all critical infrastructure was protected, including the hospital, library and firehall. A list of addresses where buildings were damaged is being finalised and will be released “shortly”, authorities said.

One local who does know he has lost his home is Jasper Mayor Richard Ireland, who came back to the town with other officials on Friday. He stood in front of what remained of his home, reduced to a few charred cement blocks, and said: “Now, it’s well, it’s just memories of family and fire.”

Mr Ireland spoke of a photograph lost to the flames, where he was just a two-year-old sitting on some moving boxes next to a birthday cake at that very house. He had lived at the same address for 67 years. “So many others are going to go through this same thing,” he told local media. (BBC)…[+]

Israeli strike on Gaza school killed 30 – health ministry

7 (02.00 uur)Israeli strike on Gaza school killed 30 - health ministry

GAZA – Israel’s military has struck a school near Deir al-Balah, a city in central Gaza, killing at least 30 Palestinians and injuring more than 100, according to the Hamas-run ministry of health.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said on Telegram that a Hamas command and control centre was embedded inside the Khadija School. The IDF added that Hamas used the compound as a hiding place to direct and plan attacks and store weapons. Gaza’s health ministry said footage showed the victims were civilians and most of them were children. The BBC verified a video that shows children among the injured.

Gaza’s civil defence service said the school was sheltering displaced people. Hamas said in a statement on Telegram that the report the school was being used for military purposes was “false” and “displaced, sick and wounded people, most of whom were women and children” were killed.

Witness Mustafa Rafati told the BBC the explosion shook his body and he fell from the blow. Afraid, he said he ran inside the school and saw body parts in a “terrifying scene.” “I was shocked,” he said. Verified video from the scene shows a chaotic situation, with people running around a compound covered in rubble. Men carry two bloodied children in their arms while a woman hugs another, and a group carries an injured man on a stretcher. A body lies on the ground covered in a blanket.

The IDF said that before the strike it took steps to reduce the risk to civilians “including the use of appropriate munitions, aerial surveillance and additional intelligence”. Gaza’s health ministry said 53 people had been killed and 189 injured since Saturday morning due to IDF bombing in Deir al-Balah and the southern city of Khan Younis. The strike occurred as Israel continues its months-long military campaign in Gaza that has killed more than 39,000 Palestinians, according to Gaza’s health ministry.

The war started when Hamas attacked Israel on 7 October, killing around 1,200 people and taking 251 hostage. EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell spoke out against the Deir al-Balah strike on X, writing that it occurred “at the same time an already very fragile population is asked to relocate again and again, with no end in sight”.

“Ceasefire has to happen now,” he wrote. Ceasefire talks, led by the head of the CIA, Bill Burns, are scheduled to begin on Sunday between representatives from Qatar, Egypt and Israel. The Deir al-Balah strike was reported as the IDF ordered civilians on Saturday morning in southern parts of Khan Younis to evacuate to an “adjusted humanitarian area” in al-Mawasi, a region along the coast. (BBC)…[+]

Eerste huwelijk voltrokken tussen mensen van hetzelfde geslacht op Curaçao

Eerste huwelijk voltrokken tussen mensen van hetzelfde geslacht op Curaçao

WILLEMSTAD –  Twee vrouwen zijn zaterdag het eerste getrouwde stel van hetzelfde geslacht ooit geworden op Curaçao. Zo’n twee weken geleden oordeelde de Hoge Raad dat mensen van hetzelfde geslacht per direct mogen trouwen op Aruba en Curaçao.

De twee vrouwen die zaterdag trouwden, waren betrokken bij de rechtszaak om het huwelijk tussen mensen van hetzelfde geslacht op Curaçao mogelijk te maken. Een identieke zaak diende op Aruba. De zaken werden aangespannen door stichting Fundacion Orguyo Aruba en op Curaçao door de Human Rights Caribbean Foundation.

Het gemeenschappelijke Hof van Justitie van Aruba, Curaçao, Sint-Maarten en van Bonaire, Sint-Eustatius en Saba bepaalde op 6 december 2022 al dat mensen van hetzelfde geslacht moesten kunnen trouwen op Aruba en Curaçao. De regeringen van de twee landen gingen tegen die uitspraak in cassatie. Sinds 12 juli mogen mensen van hetzelfde geslacht met elkaar trouwen op de eilanden. Sindsdien zijn op Curaçao zo’n tien koppels in ondertrouw, laat een woordvoerder van de Human Rights Caribbean Foundation weten.

Op Aruba laten de huwelijken tussen mensen van hetzelfde geslacht nog iets langer op zich wachten. Dit komt volgens een woordvoerder van de Fundacion Orguyo Aruba doordat er tot oktober geen plek is bij de Dienst Burgerlijke Stand. (NU)…[+]

South Africa police say 95 Libyans detained at suspected military camp

6 (00.00 uur) South Africa police say 95 Libyans detained at suspected military camp

SOUTH AFRICA – South African police have detained 95 Libyan nationals for questioning on suspicion of receiving training at a secret military camp.

Police said on Friday that they had carried out a morning raid on the alleged military camp, located at a farm in White River in Mpumalanga province in the north of the country. “We are not arresting them now, but we are taking them in for questioning and will investigate any criminal activity,” said police spokesman Donald Mdhluli.

“The site was said to be a training camp for a security company, but it is a military base by the looks of things,” he said, adding that the owner of the security company was a South African national. Police said the operation to arrest the Libyans and close down the camp began two days ago. Television footage from the scene showed a heavy police presence outside the suspected camp, which included green military-style tents and sandbags.

National police spokeswoman Athlenda Mathe said in a post on X that the Libyans said they were entering the country on study visas to train as security guards, but police investigations suggested they had received military training. It was not immediately clear whether the 95 individuals were affiliated to any group. Libya is still riven by conflict and civil war more than a decade after the 2011 NATO-backed overthrow of longtime ruler Muammar Gaddafi.

The country is divided between the internationally recognised government based in Tripoli and a rival administration in the east. “We categorically deny that the apprehended group is affiliated with our government or that we have any connection to their dispatch or assignment,” the government in Tripoli said on Friday, adding that it was monitoring the case. (Al Jazeera)…[+]

Duitse uitgever haalt boek JD Vance uit de handel

6 (00.00 uur) Duitse uitgever haalt boek JD Vance uit de handel

BERLIJN – De Duitse uitgeverij heeft de bestseller van JD Vance uit de handel gehaald. Terwijl het boek Hillbilly Elegy over de hele wereld hoge verkoopcijfers scoort en goede recensies ontving, wil de in 1877 opgerichte Ullstein Verlag het levenswerk van ex-president Trumps running mate – over de verarmde Amerikaanse middenklasse – niet herdrukken.

De afgelopen dagen kwam Vance in de Verenigde Staten bij sommige groepen onder vuur te liggen. Zo verweet de Republikein kinderloze vrouwen, door hem aangeduid als ’kattenvrouwtjes’, “geen aandeel te hebben in de toekomst”. Het regende hierna kritiek van feministen, die erop wezen dat honderden miljoenen vrouwen ongewenst niet zwanger (kunnen) worden.

Ullstein, een van de allergrootste Europese uitgeverijen, kreeg een storm van kritiek te verduren op de beslissing om het boek niet te herdrukken. Want critici vinden dat de auteur wordt ’gecanceld’. De Berlijnse uitgeverij liet weten dat Vance een ’agressief beleid van uitsluiting’ vertegenwoordigt, dat demagogisch zou zijn.

Belachelijk, vindt ook een voormalig redacteur van Ullstein, de gepensioneerde historicus Rainer Zitelmann. Zelfs de regeringspartij De Groenen, normaliter het schoolvoorbeeld van het woke wereldbeeld, oordeelde dat het een beetje dom was: “Geen goede beslissing”, aldus voorzitter Ricarda Lang.

De rechten van Hillbilly Elegy zijn onmiddellijk door een kleine uitgeverij, YES publishing overgenomen. De oorspronkelijke uitgave verscheen in 2016, en ging over de familiaire afkomst van Vance. (De Telegraaf)…[+]