Fight against crime…Public must take precautions too


GUYANA- As the police and other stakeholders work out strategies to stem the tide of escalating crime, the populace is being encouraged to employ all necessary physical security when leaving home or turning into their beds. So advises Commander ‘A’ Division Clifton Hicken. As he and his team work to reduce crime, Hicken said there is no quick fix to the problem but efforts are being made to build back the trust between the community and police while minimizing the confrontational approach to crime solving. As a measure, he said one has to be serious about the current realities and be each other’s keeper. While one crime committed is too much in his opinion “it is not getting to an alarming stage based on our statistics.” At the end of July 2015 the Guyana Police Force recorded a 10% increase in serious crimes in comparison to the same period in 2014.( kaieteurnews)