Finance Minister disappointed with Jagdeo’s silence


GUYANA- Finance Minister, Winston Jordan had his hopes set high on going head-to-head with Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo during the deliberations of the 2015 estimates for his Ministry. But he was sorely disappointed. Throughout that session in the National Assembly last week, Jagdeo, a former Finance Minister, was “as quiet as a church mouse.” Only two Opposition Members of Parliament attempted to grill Jordan; former Tourism Minister, Irfaan Ali and former Junior Finance Minster, Juan Edghill. Ali questioned the Finance Minister on matters unrelated to the line items in the estimates. He was told repeatedly by Jordan that he would not entertain his questions on statutory expenditure which encompasses salaries of the Ombudsman, Judges and the public debt. This is not examined by the National Assembly.( kaieteurnews)…[+]