Former PM’s son to be sentenced after High Court denies legal challenge

Former PM’s son to be sentenced

GUYANA-Sam Hinds Jr. son of the former Prime Minister Sam Hinds, has been embroiled in a criminal proceeding before the Magistrates’ Court since March, last year. Hinds was convicted before Magistrate Geeta Chandan-Edmonds on   February 6, 2014 for threatening, assaulting and unlawfully wounding his 18-year-old sister-in-law, Tenza Layne. Chandan Edmonds had adjourned the matter to February 20 and further to February 27, pending the presentation of a probation report on Hinds’ behalf. Magistrate Chandan-Edmonds was however, sacked by the Judicial Service Commission, (JSC) before she could have handed down a sentence.  The JSC had cited absenteeism among their reasons for dismissing the Magistrate.(KAIETEUR NEWS/…[+]