Man kills self after torturing teen lover

man kills

A jealous young man took his life on Boxing Day, hours after terrorizing his teenage girlfriend and escaping from the Grove Police Station.

Lorenzo James, 21, who resided at Duncan Street and at Lot 218, Grove, East Bank Demerara, reportedly succumbed in a house in South Ruimveldt after ingesting a poisonous substance. Earlier in the night, James, who had shared an on and off relationship with his girlfriend who is 16 years old, had gone to her home while her mother was at work. There, he had reportedly held his girlfriend at knifepoint and subjected her to a brutal beating. “He knocked at the door and asked to use the toilet so I let he in and then he lock the door and started to beat me after he pull out a knife and made me repeat that I must not disrespect Lorenzo and he family anymore while on my knees,” the girlfriend, with a swollen jaw and blood shot left eye recounted Sunday.(…[+]