Man with knife shot, killed by Paris police on anniversary of Charlie Hebdo attacks


(CNN)Police shot and killed a man Thursday after he tried to enter a northern Paris police station wielding a knife, a French Interior Ministry spokesman told CNN affiliate BFMTV.

The man was shouting “Allahu Akbar,” Interior Ministry spokesman Pierre-Henry Brandet said. He was wearing what appeared to be an explosive vest, but it turned out to be a fake, a police source told CNN. The attack, which occurred in Barbes, near the police station in Goutte D’Or, took place on the one-year anniversary of the Charlie Hebdo killings, the first of deadly jihadist attacks that have roiled the French capital over the past 12 months.In those attacks, two gunmen killed 12 people in an assault on the offices of the French satirical magazine, which had angered Islamists for its irreverent approach to Islam and publication of cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed…[+]