EU on high alert in response to first cases of Zika virus


BRUSSELS  – The Zika virus, a mosquito-borne virus which is suspected of causing birth defects, has reached Europe with reported cases found in Britain, Denmark and Portugal.

Last Saturday, Public Health England confirmed that as of Jan. 18, three British travelers associated with travel to Colombia, Suriname and Guyana, have been diagnosed with the Zika virus. Moreover, a Danish citizen who traveled to Latin America and returned to Denmark had been diagnosed with the Zika virus on Tuesday, making it the first case discovered in the country, according to Aarhus University Hospital where the patient was hospitalized. On Wednesday this week, Portuguese authorities also confirmed that five cases of the Zika virus had been diagnosed, according to the National Health Institute Doctor Ricardo Jorge (INSA).

The five diagnosed in Portugal contracted the virus in Brazil, said INSA. Portuguese Health Minister Adalberto Campos Fernandes said that the Portuguese can be reassured the situation about the Zika virus is under control and the risk is confined.(Xinhua)…[+]