‘Soldiers of Odin’ extending across Northern Europe

‘Soldiers of Odin’ spreading across Northern Europe

FINLAND/NORWAY – The extreme right-wing vigilante group Soldiers of Odin have spread across Scandinavia from Finland to Norway, according to reports. The anti-immigrant group was formed last autumn and have been patrolling streets in several Finnish towns ‘to protect the Finns from the threat of asylum seekers’. This week, a group of Soldiers of Odin have been seen on a vigilante walk through the town of Tønsberg in southern Norway. During what is believed to be the first appearance of Soldiers of Odin groups outside of Finland, some 14 ‘soldiers’ walked around the town on Saturday night. However, the group, dressed in black coats wearing the insignia of the Soldiers of Odin met heavy resistance from the local population, who rejected their protection and protested their presence.(Daily Mail)…[+]