317 kg-woman to live in specially-designed house half a mile from twenty fast food shops

317 kg-woman to live in specially-designed house half a mile from twenty fast food shops

UK – A woman who was dubbed Britain’s fattest teenager is set to move to a specially-designed house half a mile from 20 fast-food outlets. Georgia Davis, 22, from Aberdare in Wales, is known as the Takeaway Princess in her neighborhood and has been clinically obese since she was five.  She once weighed 400 kg and was so big she could not walk.  Now 317 kg, she is still too big for her current house, and the new £150,000 property – which will be paid for out of her benefits – has been specially designed with a double front door, and widened rooms and corridors. But the home is just yards away from tempting takeaways and fast food delivery outfits. Miss Davis will have plenty of options including five Chinese takeaways, two Indians and an array of pizza and kebab shops. (Daily Mail)…[+]