The three generations who say they are mistaken for sisters

The three generations who say they are mistaken for sisters 3

UK – A grandmother, mother and daughter say that despite being almost 50 years apart in age, they still love wearing each other’s clothes and regularly get mistaken for sisters. Gwen Slade, 65, from central London, is mother to Jemima, 44, and grandmother to Lily, 16.  But despite the difference in ages, the trio all boast long blonde hair, size 8 figures, and often disagree over who can pull off an outfit better.

‘We often get together and enjoy who wears it better nights trying on each other’s outfits,’ Gwen explained. ‘It used to be that mums, daughters and nannas dressed “age appropriately” but for us, our style is the same and we all look awesome.’ Despite being old enough for a bus pass and a pension, the 65-year-old still works in a hair salon alongside her daughter and teenage granddaughter. Not only do the trio party together and go out together, but they insist they are all best friends too. They put their good physiques down to exercise, hard work, dancing and eating well. Lily said: ‘I think my grandmother is awesome. (Daily Mail)…[+]