Dozens of salaries went to the same bank account


When government officials screened the official records after the mandatory registration of state employees, they found out that dozens of salaries  went to the same bank account. The government frozen the money transfers to this bank account and launched an investigation to find out why dozens of state employees were using the same bank account. “It must become clear if one person was in fact receiving dozens of salaries or if we are dealing with a transit bank account. This has been going on for many years and must be tackled thoroughly. If necessary the system must be cleaned,” said

Home Affairs Mnister Bronto Somohardjo. The screening also made it clear that hundreds of state employees receive double salaries from the government each month. “This is unacceptable. Each dollar that we do not have to spend on ghost emoloyees or inactive employees or double salaries could be spend elsewhere. The labor movement wants a raise for state employees but we need  extra money for that. If we clean up the system, the government could have more financial options,” said Minister Bronto. Another problem that has also come to light is that there are abouy 9,000 state employees who do not have a work station and therefore do not show up at the office. Some people who died years ago are also still on the payroll of the government. The government has therefore decided to extend the

Public Sector Reform (PSR) with one year. …[+]