Medical specialists ask SZF to stick to its promise

8 (16.30 uur) Patiënten SZF gedupeerd door beraad personeel

The nation’s medical specialists recently made it clear in alter that was sent to SZF Director Jane Harkisoen that if the State Health Insurance Fund (SZF) does not pay them by Wednesday for services rendered in June, they will only provide medical treatment to urgent cases as of Thursday. The SZF has signed an agreement that clearly states that it must pay the specialists on the last day of every month. “Unfortunately we have come to the conclusion that this promise has not been kept for some time. The medical specialists have tolerated the late payments for several months due to the economic situation. There has been a delay in payments despite numerous talks with the Health Ministry and the SZF,” said the medical specialists. A source from within the SZF claimed that the problem lies with the government which only transfers small amounts of money to the bank account of the SZF…[+]