US urges UN Security Council to support Israel

3 US urges UN Security Council to support Israel

NEW YORK – US Deputy Ambassador Robert Wood urged the United Nations Security Council to support what he called Israel’s “right to defend itself against attacks” from groups like Hezbollah. He also called on the council to hold Iran accountable for its support of such groups, as well as its alleged violations of international law.

“Israel has a right to defend itself against attacks from Hezbollah, and other terrorists,” Wood said. “That is precisely what it did on July 30.”

Wood said that although the US was not involved with Israel’s response on July 30 in Lebanon, “there is no doubt absolutely none that Hezbollah was responsible for this attack, which used an Iranian weapon and was launched from a portion of Lebanon controlled by Hezbollah.”

Wood said Iran has to comply with existing Security Council resolutions or face additional measures.

Wood also said that “the United States was not aware of or involved in the apparent death of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh,” adding that the US has “no independent confirmation as to Hamas’s claims regarding his death.” (CNN)…[+]