SZF patients complain about inconvenience: “I have to make a new appointment”


 PARAMARIBO – The patients with a health insurance card from the SZF can’t go to the specialists because the specialists went on strike on August 1 over a delay in payments from the SZF. Only patients who need urgent medical care can visit the medical specialists but even they experience much inconvenience. The specialists explained that they can relate to their patients but made it clear that they have the right to be paid on time because they also have to pay their monthly bills.

 As long as the medical specialists do not get their money from the SZF, they will not provide medical treatment to patients from the SZF. “I have an appointment at the cardiologist this week but I can’t go because I have health insurance at the SZF so I have to make a new appointment. But I can’t make another appointment as long as the specialists are on strike. The government has no empathy and leaves the SZF patients standing in the cold. I finally got an appointment but I still can’t see the specialist,” Sandra told Times of Suriname.

 The chairman of the Association of Physicians in Suriname, Mukesh Simbhoedatpanday, recently told Times of Suriname that the SZF has asked the union not to discuss the issue regarding late payments with the press. The medical specialists look forward to getting paid as soon as possible. If they do not get their money soon, they will organized a union meeting on August 14th to discuss the next strategy…[+]