Gas station owners postpone strike after being threatened

PARAMARIBO – The local gas station owners claimed that they were threatened by the big oil companies on Wednesday. Sirodjenie Jankie, the deputy chairperson of the Surinamese Gas Station Owners’ Association (SSEB), told Times of Suriname that several gas station owners received a call and were threatened early in the morning.

“The gas station owners were told that they could not close their doors for business and if they would go on strike, their contracts would be terminated immediately. The people were forced to stay open for business. The next step will be determined at the emergency union meeting so there is still a chance that we will close our doors,” said Jankie.

Jankie explained that the gas station owners feel like they have been pushed in a corner by the big oil companies. The minister of Finance on Wednesday informed the big oil companies that the profit margin was raised with $ 0.20 per liter. But this money goes straight to the oil companies which means that they will receive $0.18 per liter. It is not clear how much will go to the gas station owners and that is what we are fighting for. For many years we have been dependent on the goodwill of the oil companies that determine how much of the profit margin goes to the gas station owners. This is not fair because we take all of the risks. We sell fuel and have to give an advance. It is therefore unacceptable for the oil companies to get more while the gas station owners have to keep working hard but get nothing in return. We want the government to issue a state decree that clearly states how much of the profit margin must go to the government, the oil companies and the gas station owners,” said Jankie…[+]