Health Ministry rejects NZR’s one-sided decision

Health Ministry

The Health Ministry recently condemned the fact that the National Hospital Council (NZR) has decided that as of September 1st patients must pay SRD 50 for the monthly visits to the outpatient clinic and an administration fee of SRD 450 if they are admitted to the hospital. “This decision lacks the approval of the Ministry of Health,” said the Health Ministry which made it clear that it would spare no efforts in making sure that patients do not end up paying the price because of this one-sided decision. The NZR explained that the nation’s insurance companies refuse to cooperate with the hospitals’ request to cover these costs. The Ministry of Health made it clear that the government had nothing to do with this decision and that it hopes that the NZR and the insurance companies will seek other solutions soon. The NZR pointed out that these measures are necessary to cover the overhead costs of the hospitals so that the quality of the healthcare is guaranteed. The patients only have to pay these costs once a month…[+]