Airport Management still has not received airport fee from SLM


PARAMARIBO – Despite the fact that new rules regarding the airport fee were recently implemented to boost income for Airport Management, reports indicate that this money is not being handed over to Airport Management by the national carrier, Surinam Airways (SLM). An aviation expert explained that the SLM receives the airport fee but fails to hand it over to Airport Management. It is mandatory for all of the other airlines to hand over the airport fee to Airport Management. Whenever a person arrives at the airport to get on a plane, he or she has to pay the airport tax of USD 65. As of August 15th, USD 53 must be handed over to Airport Management to pay for the security fee and the passenger service fee. But despite the introduction of new rules, the authorities still have not managed to compel the SLM to hand over the money to Airport Management. Most of the passengers opt for the SLM which also means that most of the airport taxes end up and stay in the hands of the SLM. Airport Management is in charge of running the departure hall at the Johan Adolf Pengel International Airport which is why it needs the airport tax to finance its daily operations…[+]