Farmers want seat on Rice Sector Platform


Rice farmers recently made it clear that they also want a seat on the Rice Sector Platform. They also want to have representatives in the various agrarian corporations and other agrarian organizations so that they could also be part of the decision-making. The farmers disapproved of the fact that only the people of one particular political party are on the Rice Sector Platform, the agrarian corporations and other agrarian organizations. They strongly condemned the fact that the chairman of the water board is also chairman of the corporations. “This is unacceptable because how could one organization keep an eye on the other one if both organizations are run by the same person?” The spokesman of the Paddy Farmers’ Organization Nickerie wants everything to be transparent which is why they want different people to run each Organization. They have already put their concerns down on paper and will send their letter to president Chandrikapersad Santokhi, asking him to address this issue as soon as possible so that transparency could be guaranteed…[+]