Generator arrives in Albina Youths from Albina reject political claims

PARAMARIBO – “After years of hard work, dedication and perseverance the Youth Association of Albina has succeeded in providing a solution to the electricity problem that has plagued the district for a long time. Unfortunately there is a political party that claims that it fought for this and therefore wants to claim victory. We are the ones who fought for a solution and warn the politicians to stay away from our achievements,” said the youths from Albina after a generator had arrived safely in the Marowijne District.

The generator which will generate electricity for Albina must be installed as soon as possible. The youths made it clear that the political party that wants to stand in the spotlights did not work hard but that they were the ones who worked tirelessly and who received the full support of the local community to address the issue. “Our youths are the true heroes behind this victory. Their efforts brought the solution that we needed. We encourage everybody to stick to the facts and to give recognition to the ones who worked for the wellbeing of the community,” said the youth organization of Albina.

President Chandrikapersad Santokhi pointed out that he had promised the youths from Albina a speedy solution and that he has kept his promise. “Now we will address the water problem of the residents of this area,” said Santokhi on his Facebook page…[+]