Acting president resolves EBS issue: Hellings reinstated as EBS worker


Acting President Ronnie Brunswijk on Wednesday resolved the issue between the workers of the Energy Company Suriname (EBS) and management. The workers in Wednesday assembled in force outside of the Office of the Acting President, to seek a solution to their problems. The Acting President assured them that Marciano Hellings who had been fired, would be reinstated. He also made it clear that no disciplinary measures must be taken against the workers who had joined the protest. Marciano Hellings who is the chairman of the union that represents the workers at the EBS and the CEO of the EBS had to apologize for controversial statements that they had made. After his meeting with the Acting President, Hellings informed the union members and the nation that a solution had been found at a previous meeting.
He also announced that there was no longer any bad blood between him and CEO Leo Brunswijk. The collective labor agreement was also addressed. Both parties had to tone down their demands to find a solution. Hellings assured the union members that the details of the meeting would be discussed with them and that he was glad that the talks were going in the right direction. He also thanked the Union of Assertive Associations (UvAV) for its support14