Another young woman jumps off Kaieteur Falls

Another young woman

GUYANA-The dead woman has been identified as 21-year-old Roshinee Pagwah of Reliance, East Canje, Berbice. She was a clerk at the Guyana Power and Light Company (GPL). Reports are that the young woman who lived with her aunt, Indira, and mother, Indro Ramsundar at Berbice jumped off the 741 feet waterfalls some time around 09:00 hrs. Kaieteur News was told that the woman was a passenger on a Roraima Airways flight that left the Ogle International Airport with nine persons– four Canadians, four Americans and the 21-year-old who was the only local tourist. Information reaching this newspaper indicated that the woman seemed normal while at the falls and was seen taking a lot of photographs.  It was while the group was getting ready to leave the waterfalls that the woman turned back and ran towards the waterfalls and plunged.(KAIETEUR NEWS/…[+]