Bullying leads to increase in number of suicide cases among youths


PARAMARIBO – Reports indicate that a growing number of youths have committed suicide in the past couple of weeks because they were being bullied. There has been a drastic rise in the number of youths who are being bullied every day but local organizations and even the government have done very little to address bullying.

 The My Love For You Is Endless Foundation wants the government to address this alarming trend by collecting signatures for a petition that will be presented to parliament. “We want to urge parliament to take action against bullying. It is of crucial importance to hold bullies accountable for their actions,” said the foundation that wants strict measures and heavy punishment to address this issue. The foundation wants effective measures aimed at tackling bullying at schools in particular. It is collecting signatures via the following link:

Https://chng.it/hvvKPnCtfV. “Let’s send a strong signal to make it clear that bullying will never be tolerated.” Bullying is when people deliberately use words or actions repeatedly against an individual or a group to cause physical, social and/or psychological harm. They usually want to make the person feel less powerful or helpless. Bullying can happen anywhere — at school, at work, at home, online, or by text messaging or email. Bullying can come in different forms, all of which cause distress and pain for the person who is being bullied…[+]