Commewijne District has shortage of cemeteries

shortage of cemeteries

PARAMARIBO – The Commewijne District is currently facing a shortage of cemeteries. This problem started some time ago and the alarm was sounded several times but the issue still has not been addressed. MP Ann Sadi (NDP) has criticized the government for not having opened a new cemetery at places such as Tamanredjo that urgently need one.

 “When I became a member of parliament four years ago I asked when Tamanredjo would get a new cemetery,” said MP Sadie who  is from Commewijne. “It is a dire situation. The only cemetery at Tamanredjo ran out of room three to four years ago. Does it really take four years to establish a new cemetery at a densely populated place like Tamanredjo?” Government officials explained that establishing a new cemetery is a complicated issue because the Ministry of Land Policy and Forest Management is not the only one that gets to make a decisions as multiple agencies from other ministries also have to give their advice and findings. …[+]