Coronie DC wants land requests to be processed

1 (13.00 uur) Coronie DC wants land requests

PARAMARIBO – The district commissioner of Coronie has asked policy makers to speed up the land requests, that were filed by residents of the nation’s coconut district. He ex­plained that 300 residents are still waiting for their land request to be processed. Some of them filed their land request more than fifty years ago. The Coronie residents who are tired of waiting for an answer went to DC Winter to complain about the delay. DC Winter reportedly brought copies of these land requests to the Office of the President where a division of the Ministry of Land Affairs and Land Management has been established. Sources told Times of Suriname that President Chandrikapersad Santokhi will visit the Coronie District soon. The residents hope that they will get their deeds from the president when he visits their district. …[+]