Entrepreneurs want police to tackle crime in hinterland

13 (23.00 uur) Dronken man klapt inspecteur

PARAMARIBO – Entrepreneurs who work in the hinterland and who transport lumber  and gold to the nation’s capital, recently made it clear that they want the police to take firm action against crime in the hinterland. They are puzzled by the fact that the police are not visible in the hinterland. The entrepreneurs explained that they want to create jobs in the hinterland but that armed robbers are spoiling their plans. “There is no employment in the districts sonwe are trying to create jobs in the gold mining sector but we are constantly being confronted with armed robberies. I do not know why there are no police posts at strategic locations. We are prepared to invest money in these posts so that we can work in a safe environment,” said one of the entrepreneurs.

The entrepreneur pointed out that victims were shot at during armed robberies that took place recently. The entrepreneurs made it clear that all of the companies in the hinterland will go out of business, if the government fails to take action. They urged the Ministry of Justice & Police and the Ministry of Defense to establish checkpoints in order to maintain law and order. According to the entrepreneurs, the safety of tourists who want to visit the hinterland must also be guaranteed…[+]