Girl skipped school to have sex with man

Girl skipped school to have sex with man

PARAMARIBO – A 12-year-old girl reportedly skipped school to go to a hotel with 24-year-old A.N. where they had sex thrice. The defendant who is a male nurse is on trial for the sexual abuse of a minor. He went to a doctor and asked for a note that said that the girl could not attend school that day because she felt sick.


The defendant reportedly paid SRD 300 for the note. The underage girl met A.N. at the Academic Hospital Paramaribo (AZP) where he worked. He was  reportedly one of the nurses who looked after her when she was recovering in the hospital. The girl had told him that she was twelve but he claimed in court that he thought that she was fourteen. When they left the hotel, the defendant dropped her off at her house.


The girl told her family that she had missed the school bus and that she had therefore decided to take a taxi but she could not tell them anything about the taxi driver. Defense Attorney Irvin Kanhai told the court that the sex was consensual. A.N. who was arrested four months ago expressed remorse and confessed to having sex with the tween. Judge Duncan Nanhoe sentenced him to 12 months in prison and 2 years’ probation…[+]