Government issues 16,000 additional Money Cards each month


PARAMARIBO – Finance and Planning Minister Stanley Raghoebarsing recently assured that the purchasing power boost for households and retirees would be paid on time. State employees who have already received their salary and vacation pay and who qualify for the purchasing power boost will also receive it.

President Chandrikapersad Santokhi on Friday co firmed that everyone who meets the requirements will receive welfare. At the start of 2024 it was decided that all of the people who receive old age pension would also automatically receive the purchasing power boost.

All that is required of them is that they should be registered in the category poor households and that they must also meet the criteria. But new applicants claim that they face administrative hurdles at the Ministry of Social Affairs and Housing (Sozavo). Meanwhile officials have already reached an agreement with local banks for this group which means that an additional 16,000 Money Cards will be issued each month. President Chandrikapersad Santokhi recently urged his ministers to solve the problems as soon as possible so that people can receive their welfare without delay…[+]