“Government speaks language of the Netherlands”

Valuta euro zwakker na uitslag Europese verkiezingen

PARAMARIBO – The seizure of a huge shipment of Euros from Suriname by the Dutch Public Prosecutor’s Office has divided Suriname’s parliament. The government claims that it is a matter between the commercial banks and the Dutch Public Prosecutor’s Office and that it therefore should not get involved. The members of the opposition, however, labeled it as political action from the Netherlands aimed at embarrassing Suriname and the then Bouterse administration in 2018.

The leader of the NDP faction,  Rabin Parmessar, made it clear that the Central Bank of Suriname  (CBvS) is in fact entitled to immunity. “The shipment of €19.5 million under the supervision of the  CBvS should have been protected in accordance with international agreements,” said MP Parmesar.

Foreign Affairs, International Business and International Collaboration Minister Albert Ramdin, however, has a different opinion. He pointed out that the money belongs to three banks which must defend their actions in a court in The Hague on August 6th. “It would be inappropriate for Suriname to interfere in the internal legal system of the Netherlands. The  CBvS was not directly involved in the trial, which means that its immunity was not violated.”

The legislators from the opposition strongly gets the feeling that the administration of Chandrikapersad Santokhi is speaking the language of the Dutch government and that it is not protecting the interests of Suriname.

Minister Ramdin rejected the opposition’s criticism. “Of course the country’s reputation is important and we are looking forward to solutions. But we will not interfere in internal affairs of a foreign power because we do not want others to interfere in ours,” said Minister Ramdin.  But PM Parmessar insists that The Hague is interfering politically. “This is a political issue and therefore requires a political response,” said MP Parmessar…[+]