Hinterland residents want police to tackle crime

Hinterland residents want police to tackle crime

PARAMARIBO – Residents from the hinterland recently made it clear that they want the government to tackle crime firmly. They are puzzled by the fact that the police is not visible in the hinterland. “There are no employment opportunities in the districts and we are trying to earn a living in the gold mining sector. But we are constantly being confronted with violent robberies. I do not understand why the government does not establish police posts at strategic locations,” said a resident from the hinterland.


The residents urged the minister of Defense and the minister of Justice and Police to work together in order to maintain law and order in the hinterland. “It is time for them to carry out joint operations in the hinterland.” The residents also pointed out that tourists must feel safe in the hinterland but that the wave of armed robberies are scaring off the tourists. “I am having sleepless nights because my two sons work in the gold mining sector. I am afraid that an armed robbery could turn deadly,” said Edna Adipi who urged the administration of President Chandrikapersad Santokhi to deploy more police officers in the hinterland…[+]