Huge batch of marijuana candy in circulation

3 (10.30 uur) Huge batch

A huge batch of THC gummies also known as weed gummies or marijuana gummies were recently intercepted and confiscated. The National Anti Drugs Council reported that many of these edible cannabis products that are infused with THC, the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana, are on the streets and that they are being bought by youths in particular. These marijuana gummies are not only illegal but they are also harmful to one’s health. The authorities have therefore urged people to steer clear from these weed gummies. In addition to gummies, other edible cannabis products containing THC may include: Chocolate bars, candies, lollipops, fudge, popcorn and ice cream.
These cannabis products often look like a real piece of candy, brownie or sweet treat. But just one serving may contain several times the recommended dose of THC for adults, making children very sick. Frequently, they may require a trip to the emergency department or hospitalization.
Edible THC products take longer than smoked marijuana to have an effect. Smoking takes just seconds to minutes, but an edible containing THC typically takes 30 to 60 minutes after being eaten and digested. The peak effect typically happens three to four hours after ingesting. Because of this, kids might accidentally consume large amounts of THC before feeling or showing any effects.
The concentration and strength of THC in these edible products is very difficult to measure and is often unknown. Consuming even a small amount of THC in a gummy or baked item can cause kids to experience symptoms of a marijuana overdose.
Children who have consumed cannabis edibles may: act lethargic, feel dizzy, have trouble walking or sitting up, have an accelerated heart rate and have trouble breathing. Parents whose children have consumed weed gummies can contact the AZP’s Emergency Room at 442222 extension 420 or the police hotline at 115.…[+]