Jagdeo’s refusal to disclose wealth, speaks volumes of its source


GUYANA- “He wants all MPs to disclose their wealth, but why? We are not as rich as him. He and his best friends are the rich ones, not us.” – Ramjattan. By Abena Rockcliffe Allegations that Guyana has been robbed blind by some politicians are still to be put to rest. Those accused of the wrong are still to answer questions on their accumulation of wealth., former President Bharrat Jagdeo was, for at least the fourth time, asked about his wealth and the source of it. He told the press, last week, that he is finally ready to make the necessary disclosures but will only do so if these will be done across the board. Jagdeo wants all Members of Parliament (MPs) to make similar disclosures. Vice President (VP), Khemraj Ramjattan, has described Jagdeo’s new condition as “wholly outrageous. Ramjattan” said that Jagdeo is missing the point. “None of us, and I can boldly say this, none of us in the government are even half as wealthy as Jagdeo. So it is not about us, the public has no reason to be interested in our wealth; he is the billionaire…[+]