Kaieteur Falls tragedy… Suicide was planned days before


Information was still hard to come by yesterday as to why 22 year old Roshinee Pagwah took that death-plunge on Saturday off the Kaieteur Falls.

But indications are that she had been planning to take her life at the popular tourist site days before. Pagwah of lot 54 Reliance Abondon, East Canje, Berbice, was a clerk at the Guyana Power and Light Company (GPL). She was the only child of her mother, Indira Ramsundar, a housewife, who was still inconsolable yesterday, clutching at her daughter’s photographs and a garment that had belonged to the young woman.

Roshinee, who lived with her mother and an aunt, left home for Georgetown, reportedly to follow a friend to clear a barrel. She had promised that she would return home a little after midday. She never indicated that she was going to the Kaieteur Falls.(Kaieteurnews.com/photo:Kaieteurnews.com)…[+]