Man found guilty of swindling woman

man found

PARAMARIBO – Ricky M. was recently found guilty of swindling a woman and her family out of money. He had allegedly promised the woman to arrange for her husband and two brothers-in-law to receive the Surinamese nationality.

Judge  Maytrie Kuldip Singh sentenced Ricky M. to 8 months in prison and a fine of SRD 50,000.

The woman whose husband is a Nigerian had contacted the defendant to speed things up. The defendant claimed that he could speed things up because he knows people at Immigration Services. He allegedly demanded a payment of $3,000 from each person for his services which means that he received $9,000 in total.

But after he had received the money, he came up with a different excuse each time the woman called him.

When the woman contacted Immigration Services she found out that her husband’s application was still being processed but that the applications of his brothers had not even been handed in yet. She then decided to press charges against the defendant…[+]