Man on trial for killing daughter

8 Man on trial for killing daughter

PARAMARIBO – Adjaikoemar G. who is on trial for killing his 17-year-old daughter, Nandita G., in a house located at Leiding 9A could spend the next 30 years behind bars at the state penitentiary if he is found guilty of murder. The mother and grandmother of Nandita G. who appeared in court on Monday applauded the prosecution’s demand and told Times of Suriname that they hope that the judge will send the defendant to 30 years in prison. The mother told the court that her daughter had planned on moving in with her as soon as she turned 18. She wanted her only daughter to move in with her and had already prepared a room for her. Adjaikoemar G. allegedly hit his daughter on May 3rd, 2023. The girl had lost her consciousness after being assaulted. The suspect set fire to the house before leaving the house in his bus. Blood stains were found on the suspect’s pair of jeans. Neighbors spotted smoke emerging out of the house when the defendant drove off. The defendant became angry at his daughter when he found out that a boy had sent messages via WhatsApp to his daughter. He had instructed his daughter to consume a weed killer before jumping off the Wijdenbosch Bridge but she had refused to comply. The defendant had a talk with the parents of the boy and told them that he would kill his daughter because he was ashamed of the fact that she had a boyfriend. The prosecutor told the court that the defendant claimed that his daughter had suicidal tendencies but during the course of the investigation it became clear that it was a lie. The defendant had been arrested in the past on an assault and destruction of private property charge…[+]