Man on trial for sex crime

6 (09.00 uur) Rechter verwijst moordzaak Drambrandersgracht naar collega cr

Dennifer S. risks spending the next 12 years behind bars in a state penitentiary if he is found guilty of raping a 4-year-old girl. The Public Prosecutor’s Office demanded that the suspect who did not appear in court because arrested and put in jail pending the outcome of the trial. The police launched an investigation after the girls’ mother had pressed charges. Reports indicate that there was blood on the underage girl’s skirt. The suspect’s DNA was found on the clothes of the victim. The suspect claimed that he was under the influence of alcohol which is why he can’t remember what happened. He pointed out that it was possible that he had raped the girl. The attorney who represents the defendant explained to the girl that it is not possible to have a serious talk with her client who is most likely mentally ill. She pointed out that the defendant always runs in his yard at night. The defendant is scheduled to return to court in October…[+]