Merkel to visit protest-hit refugee home

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BERLIN — German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Wednesday will visit a refugee home which was hit by violent far-right protests, her spokesman said on Tuesday. The chancellor, according to spokesman Steffen Seibert, is expected to hold talks with refugees, volunteers and security staff in the eastern German town of Heidenau. Hundreds of far-right extremists staged violent protests at a refugee shelter in Heidenau last weekend. Dozens of police officers were reportedly injured in clashes when anti-migrant protesters threw stones, bottles and firecrackers at them. Merkel told reporters on Monday that violence committed by far-right demonstrators and their supporters in Heidenau was “shameful.” “I condemn in the strongest possible terms the violent outbursts,”she said. “There was an aggressive mood against foreigners there that isn’t acceptable in any way.” Earlier in the day, the chancellor had broken her “silence” on the issue through Seibert, who told a press briefing that Germany did not tolerate “hate-filled slogans or threats coming from drunken loudmouths” targeting asylum seekers. (Xinhua)…[+]