Minister Ori slams Mangre

5 (09.00 uur) Minister Ori slams Mangre

PARAMARIBO – Education, Science and Culture Minister Henry Ori recently slammed Reshma Mangre for criticizing the ministry’s plans to carry out the Summer School Project in August and September. The project which is aimed at closing the education gaps has caught the attention of Mangre who is the chairwoman of two unions that represent teachers.

 Minister Ori claimed that Mangre who is also a legislator made the statements regarding the project because  she wants to be in the spotlight. He also claimed that she wants to catch the attention of the voters because she is not well-known. Minister Ori made it clear that he does not have time “for such figures.” “When they are ready, we will make time to explain things one more time but we will resume our work. We are responsible for the education reforms and all of the effects of the education system and we take that responsibility seriously. We invited everybody who wanted to be informed. But the people who did not accept the invitation do not have the right to complain,” said Minister Ori…[+]