Mother, newborn die hours apart after c-section


After twelve fruitless years of trying to have a baby, 33-year-old Liloutie Ramlall had all but given up on her dream of becoming a mother. So when doctors told her that she was pregnant a year later, she and her husband, Nizam Khamis were stunned to learn that they were going to be parents at last- and that Ramlall much longed-for baby ( a boy) was due in a matter of months. A happy Ramlall spent the last few months shopping for his son and at times hoped that the baby would come sooner while her husband would visit her often from Canada. Liloutie Ramlall started to experience labour pains and her relatives rushed her to a private hospital in the city.  It never entered their thoughts that when she walked into the medical institution, 33 weeks pregnant, they would not see her walk out back. The Greenfield Beehive, East Coast Demerara woman delivered a little boy but later bled to death in the Operating theatre.(…[+]