Neighborhood organizations want effective youth policy


PARAMARIBO – Several neighborhood and youth organizations recently made it clear that the administration of President Chandrikapersad Santokhi must implement an effective youth policy. They complained that the government is doing very little for the nation’s youths and that more social projects are needed for the youths.


Fabienne Menig pointed out that the previous administration had implemented an effective youth policy. “The entire government was on the same page with regards to the youth policy. The Ministry of Sports and Youth Affairs was a big help because it gave a clear picture of the youth policy.

Now we see that a growing number of youths are running away from home. We ask ourselves what the reason is for the runaway issue,” said Menig who added that the previous administration provided summer jobs to the youths so that they could earn some money. “But nothing is being done anymore for the youths. I find it awful that there are no more summer schools.” The organizations made it clear that the youths must be kept busy with fun activities but that they must also receive information about the dangers of infectious diseases such as HIV. …[+]