Nickerie dc to regulate food safety

NICKERIE – The Nickerie district commissioner’s office reportedly wants to beef up food safety in the districts especially given the fact that roti, cooked noodles, fried rice, pizza and bara are popping up on the counter near the cash register of retail stores. Even bread and doughnuts from neighboring Guyana are appearing on the shelves. The team that is led by district commissioner Senrita Gobardhan and the Environment and Health Service (MGD) of the dc’s office recently started screening this food.

DC Gobardhan made it clear that food safety must be guaranteed at all times which is why it is forbidden to sell cooked meals in supermarkets. She explained that she objects to the fact that the labels indicate that the roti expires after 24 hours. “Where in the world can fried rice that is kept in plastic be preserved for a whole day? I will not allow this because the health of the people is at stake. I will not allow others to threaten the public health”, said Gobardhan who added that firm action would be taken against perpetrators.

Gobardhan pointed out that the people who deliver these meals to the supermarkets do not have a permit. Several suppliers have already been summoned to the dc’s office to be informed of the guidelines and rules. Gobardhan made it clear that officials do not want to put people out of a job but that the rules must be followed. The bread and doughnuts that are brought from neighboring Guyana must also pass inspection before they can be sold in the local supermarkets. The MGD and inspectors from the Public Health Bureau (BOG) recently removed all of the food that was put on display on the counters because none of the suppliers meets the requirements…[+]