Pakistani, Indian PMs vow to carry forward dialogue process


ISLAMABAD, Dec. 25 (Xinhua) — The Pakistani and Indian prime ministers met in the Pakistani city of Lahore on Friday and “expressed their desire to carry forward the dialogue process for larger good of peoples of the two countries,” a Pakistani foreign ministry spokesman said.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi paid an over-two-hour unscheduled visit to Pakistan that was seen very important as relationship warmed up in recent weeks.

“The two prime ministers agreed to continue and enhance contacts and work together to establish good neighborly relations,” the Pakistani foreign ministry said at the conclusion of one-and-a-half hour meeting at the residence of Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif.

The Indian prime minister had a stopover in Pakistan on his way back to New Delhi from a visit to Afghanistan where he inaugurated the India-funded parliament building. It was Modi’s first visit to Pakistan and the first by any Indian prime minister in 12 years. “Prime Minister of Pakistan welcomed the initiative of the Prime Minister of India to visit Lahore,” Pakistani foreign ministry spokesman Qazi Khalilullah said.

Modi’s visit was seen very important ahead of the resumption of the official dialogue between the two countries next month after a break of nearly eight year. The “Composite Dialogue” will restart after the 2008 Mumbai attacks.Pakistan’s Foreign Secretary Aizaz Chaudhry, who attended the meeting, said the talks were held in a cordial atmosphere and both sides agreed to build trust and increase cooperation…[+]