Pikin Saron riots: Prosecution demands 15 years in prison

PARAMARIBO – A group of Indigenous people on Friday assembled in front of the court building located in the Mgr. Wulfinghstraat to express moral support to the suspects Guilliano Z., Rodney M., Jozua H., Jhonatan A. and Martin M who had to appear in court for their alleged involvement in the riots that took place at the Amerindian village of Pikin Saron on May 2nd, 2023. The prosecution demanded that the defendants be sentenced to 15 years in prison. Muriel Fernandes, chairwoman of the Association of Indigenous Village Chiefs Suriname (VIDS), Lloyd Read, village chief of Pierre Kondre Kumbasi and chairman of the Indigenous Collective Suriname, eleven village chiefs, activist Audrey Christian and relatives of the defendants attended the trial. “I want to urge the entire Indigenous community to remain calm until the judge has announced the verdict. There is no need to panic,” said Fernandes. Defense Attorney Murwin Dubois and the other members of the defense team namely Pamela Karg, Milton Castle and Derrick Veira will have to presents arguments to the judge as to why he should not adopt the prosecution’s demand. Lloyd Read urged the crowd to keep supporting the defendants whom he labeled as warriors. He pointed out that the government should be out on trial instead of the suspects. “The fight for the recognition of the rights of the Indigenous will continue,” said Read. Christiaan applauded the Amerindian village chiefs for being present at the trial. The prosecution told the court that there was no peaceful protest at Pikin Saron on May 2nd, 2023 and that fire was set to the local police station and 14 lumber trucks. “Policemen were attacked, shot at and robbed. Truck drivers were assaulted and robbed. Shots were fired at the checkpoint of the Stichting Bosbeheer and Bostoezicht while the workers were still in the building. Those workers and workers from Grassalco were assaulted, robbed and taken hostage. Cars that belong to the SBB and Grassalco were also stolen. The sixth suspect, Mitchell B, who is suspected of inciting the violence is scheduled to appear in court on July 5th.…[+]