President promises to lower price of electricity

8 (09.00 uur) President promises to lower

PARAMARIBO – After consumers have complained for many months about the high price for electricity, the government has finally signalled that it is prepared to address these complaints. President Chandrikapersad Santokhi announced that the people could expect the price of electricity to drop next month.

He explained that the government and several unions that are members of the Council of Labor Federations in Suriname (Ravaksur) reached an agreement last weekend. During the past couple of months the unions repeatedly protested against the electricity price hike which is taking place in phases. In May the unions that are members of C-47 urged its members to stay home and to steer clear from their work places to protest against the hike.
“We took important steps to establish affordable tariffs for electricity as was requested by the unions. I am satisfied with the agreement that was reached. We agreed that the tariffs would be adjusted every month and that the adjustment would be based on the price of foreign currency, the fuel prices and the energy mix. I am convinced that this agreement is an important step towards reducing the expenses of the people,” said the head of state.…[+]