Questions regarding Bordo’s name change remain unanswered

Accomplices testify against Bordo

PARAMARIBO – Joel Martinus alias Bordo managed to have his name changed and he also managed to get a Surinamese passport despite the fact that he was wanted for questioning by the justice officials. The questions regarding his name change and passport remains unanswered but it is speculated that people with top positions within the government pulled some strings to keep Bordo who is a local artist and role model of the Surinamese youths out of the reach of the long arm of the law. Foreign Affairs Minister Albert Ramdin on Thursday failed to explain how it was possible for Bordo to speed up certain procedures that usually take several months. He was evidently unaware of the fact that Bordo had changed his name. Several weeks ago Bordo was arrested in neighboring Brazil where he tried to start a new live as an entrepreneur. Meanwhile France has requested the deportation of Bordo who was sentenced to prison in absentia for drug trafficking. Bordo is wanted for many serious crimes including his alleged involvement in a murder case…[+]