Science teacher suspended over cheating scandal


PARAMARIBO – S.R., a science teacher who is stationed at Havo 4, reportedly helped his students to commit fraud. The fraudulent actions came to light when the test papers were a reened. The students who took the science test on July 2nd expected to hear the results on Friday but had to wait until last Monday because the Education, Science and Culture Ministry was busy with its investigation into the irregularities that were detected.

 Last Monday the students expressed disbelief when they were told by the management team of their high school  that they would have to retake the science exam on July 22nd. After the VOS inspection Department had launched an investigation, the science teacher confessed that he had given the students the opportunity to add answers to their test papers. The teacher had also given a group of students the answers so that they could correct their mistakes on their test papers. The students confirmed that they had accepted the teacher’s offer to add answers on their test papers. S.R. has reportedly been suspended pending the outcome of the investigation. The results of the science exam has been declared null and void in the classes where S.R. taught science. His students will not be transferred to another school but they have to retake the science exam. Reports indicate that another teacher will correct the test papers. The Education Ministry deemed the incident that happened at Havo 4 regrettable. “This type of behaviour is unacceptable and we hope that the students have come to realize that their actions have consequences and that they have learnt a valuable life lesson.”…[+]