State employees discontent with wages and vacation pay


PARAMARIBO – “I am extremely disappointed. I still can’t believe that I received less than SRD 8,000,” said R.M. who works at the Ministry of Regional Development And Sports after she had gone to an ATM to check how much money she had received. Like her many state employees also were shocked to see a small amount of money in their bank accounts even though they have received their salary and vacation pay.

 The state employees want to know if mistakes were made when their salaries were processed. “I have never felt this way in the past 30 years that I have worked for the government. I still can’t believe how little I was paid even though I had to receive my salary and my vacation pay. I will have nothing left after I have paid my monthly bills and the school fee. I will have no money left to buy some meals for my children,” said a teacher who was clearly disappointed. This teacher and many other state employees complained that they can’t gain access to their paychecks online to see how much money was deducted from her salary because she is still stuck at the registration phase. Many state employees also complained that their emails for assistance go unanswered. “We worked so hard for very little money,” said many state employees…[+]