State must pay SRD 10 billion to creditors
The administration that will run the country after the general elections of May 2025 will face a big challenge because it will have to pay off the country’s loans. It has been projected that SRD 10 billion must be paid to both local and foreign creditors. “Things are looking up but we are not there yet,” said Finance and Planning Minister Stanley Raghoebarsing.
The minister mentioned state debt of USD 8 billion that the Santokhi/Brunswijk administration inherited when it came into office in 2020. “It is an indication of the seriousness of the problem that we had to face,” said Minister Raghoebarsing who added that about USD 25 million must be paid off every month. The Santokhi/ Brunswijk administration has hardly paid any money back to the nation’s creditors as it chose to renegotiate the period in which these debts had to be paid off.