Strike at PCS: Management deploys interns

9 Strike at PCS

 Due to the ongoing strike at the Psychiatric Center Suriname (PCS),  management recently decided to deploy the interns to take care of the patients. The workers at the PCS had lifted the strike after they had paid a visit to Vice President Ronnie Brunswijk who assured them that their demands would be addressed. But the talks with the director of the PCS yielded no results so the workers went back on strike. “The director is stubborn and refuses to budge,” said one of the workers. The workers want a loan so that they could start buying school supplies for their children but the agreement for the loan still has not been reached. They also want the buildings at the PCS to be renovated. The workers explained that after things are discussed with government officials, the director takes a U-turn on these things. They also accused the director of interfering in their affairs. “He wants to know how many people want the school loan,” said a worker. The director recently announced that workers who have problems can visit him every day from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. to discuss these problems. But the workers made it clear that he must not stick his nose in their affairs and that all of the workers must be granted a loan and labor package…[+]