Sudan, Yemen presidents hold talks in Khartoum


KHARTOUM — Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir and his Yemeni counterpart Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi on Saturday held joint talks in Khartoum. “Yemen is passing through very complicated situations. We are running a war to stop the Iranian expansion in the region,” Hadi said at a joint press conference with al-Bashir. “There is Iranian presence in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon and when the Houthis controlled Yemen, Iran would announce that it has controlled the fourth Arab capital,” he noted. Al-Bashir, for his part, reiterated his country’s support for the legitimacy in Yemen, saying that “we could not fail to join the coalition supporting the legitimacy in Yemen. We will continue our support for our Yemeni brothers until they restore security and stability.” Hadi on Saturday arrived in Khartoum in his first visit to Sudan since he assumed power in Yemen in 2012. (Xinhua)…[+]